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Jury Evidence Recording System (JERS)

The goal of JERS is provide an efficient method of capturing evidence electronically as it is presented in court during a trial.

JERS provides a number of advantages to court personnel, jurors, and counsel.  JERS provides easy access to evidence during deliberation through the use of a touch screen computer, reducing the need for the courtroom deputy and jurors to handle physical evidence.   Jurors can view the evidence multiple times, rewind videos and zoom in on pictures.  Counsel can feel confident the evidence will be viewed in the most persuasive means possible.

JERS Capabilities

  • Store all exhibits submitted prior to trial, and designate just those admitted into evidence for the jury’s use during deliberations
  • Capture, through the courtroom’s presentation equipment, exhibits that were not submitted prior to trial but later admitted by the court
  • Print lists of the exhibits, by number and by description, which can be released to the deliberating jury
  • Restrict how the jury may review the exhibit: Audio Only, Video Only, Zoom Off (Zoom Off restricts the jury from enlarging an exhibit on the touch screen in the deliberation room).


How to Submit Electronic Exhibit Files

Electronic evidence files should be provided on a USB drive, DVD, or CD.

Requirements for Exhibit File Types

All electronic evidence should be provided using the following formats:

  • Documents and Photographs: .pdf, .jpg, .bmp, .tif, .gif
  • Video and Audio Recordings: .avi, .wmv, .mpg, .mp3, .mp4, .wma, .wav, .3gpp

The individual file size of electronic evidence should not exceed 500MB.

Exhibit Formatting Instructions for Batch Importing

Exhibit files can be formatted in a manner that permits them to be batch imported into the JERS system. The two methods used are described below. One of the two methods must be used.

A. Indexed File Method

  • All files are provided on a single storage device such as a CD, DVD, or USB drive.
  • Along with the exhibit files, a text delimited index file named Exhibits.txt is also required.
  • The Exhibits.txt file must contain the following "pipe" delimited layout:
    Exhibit Number(optional Sub-Part) | Exhibit Description | Exhibit File Name

B. File Naming Method

  • All files are provided on a single storage device such as a CD, DVD, or USB drive.
  • Using any software or method, exhibit files are renamed using a naming convention similar to:
    (exhibit number)-(exhibit part)_(exhibit description).(file extension)
  • The use of the "underscore" character is required after the exhibit number even if a description is not being used.
  • Example listing of valid exhibit file names:
    "1-a_photograph.jpg", "12-2009_Tax Statement.pdf", "35d_.pdf", "12(a)_camera footage.wmv", "7_.wav"

Where is JERS Available


  • Courtroom 1
  • Courtroom 2
  • Courtroom 4


  • South Courtroom
  • Courtroom 2
  • Courtroom 3

New Haven

  • Courtroom 1
  • Courtroom 2
  • Courtroom 3

The presiding judge will determine how and if JERS will be used during any trial.